Author: BeniR

Beni Restea's experience in marketing and web development took him a long way, as he acquired the necessary skills to be a professional in digital marketing for the real estate industry. Through his work, he managed to develop exclusive content for, which is informative, trendy and real estate related. Through his experience as a search engine optimization specialist, he manages to significantly increase traffic to the website by sharing quality content with the world throughout the internet.

whats your written on red road

Any experienced realtor will tell you that having a good real estate bio is more important than many other marketing tools more commonly used by those in the real estate market. The fact of the matter is that a real estate bio gives prospective clients the first impression of you, meaning that a good real estate bio is necessary for you to make a great first impression. Most clients go online as they start looking for potential properties to invest their hard-earned money in, and once they find the one they like, they take a look at the realtor for…

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Over the years, New York City has gained a reputation for being a place where dreams come true. For musicians, it’s a place where you can play whatever music you want and have a chance at being discovered. For actors, it’s a place where you can perform with the biggest names on Broadway. For landlords, it’s a place where you can charge tenants a small fortune for a single month’s rent. Wait… that doesn’t sound like a dream come true for a renter; it sounds more like a nightmare! Sad though it may be, this has become more and more…

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