Many homeowners in Auckland have been lucky enough not to have to deal with having their roof replaced. So if this is your first time, you’ll want to continue reading this to get an idea of the process. Relax, it doesn’t have to be a difficult process. First, you’ll notice some kind of problem developing, like a leak on your roof, missing shingles, granule buildup in your gutters and around your downspouts (sand-like material that came off the top of the shingle). The next step is to get some estimates, now this is one of the most important steps in the whole process, the selection of the contractor . Bungalow Roofing
Contractors come in all shapes and sizes, remember you’re looking for whoever you think is most qualified to get the job done, not just the cheapest! Once you’ve chosen your contractor, it’s easy from there. The next step is to choose the roofing material that you like the most. There are unlimited options for roofing today. After that, work will be scheduled, depending on who you go with and the time of year, it should be anywhere from one to six weeks. Now when the work actually starts, it’s going to be loud and messy. In most cases, the old roof must be removed. Next, the roof deck will be inspected for damaged wood and if any is found, it will be replaced.
After the wood is replaced, the rest of the deck will need to be prepped (remove old nails or hammer them flush). Once the deck is ready, it’s time to lay the subfloor. Building codes and roofing manufacturers require that ice and water protection be installed along the eave edge (over gutters), as well as around roof penetrations such as vent pipes, chimneys, skylights, along the side walls and along all the valleys. Once the ice and water shield is in place, the base will be installed elsewhere on the platform.
There are several types of subfloors, depending on the material being installed. You’ll want to discuss the options with your roofer. As soon as the ice and water shield and base are installed, it is time to lay the roofing material. Since there are many different types of material, the exact process will differ for each Affordable Roofing Auckland
You should get all new flashing with your new roof. That’s something you’ll want to know before deciding on a roofing contractor. There are many different types of flashing needed on an average roof, such as drip edge for eaves and rake (house perimeter), pipe connectors (for vent pipes), step flashing (for chimney, skylight and side wall). ), valley flashing (if you get an open valley flashing), and last but not least, counter flashing (covers step flashings). for more detail Roof Replacement
Proper flashing is very important, without your roof being properly flashed; you could have water problems in the first few years! At this point, your new roof should be complete and the roofing contractor should be in the cleanup stage. See, that wasn’t so bad. Most homeowners aren’t even home during the process. With the right roofer, it’s an easy project. The most important thing any homeowner can do is compare contractors on more than just price. Remember the old saying: You only get what you pay for, if he’s lucky!